God bless the japanese costume play!!
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                           Welcome to

    Romancing Walker Homepage

                                  by rm2kfanboy


     Lineage II private server

   Visit the forum for more info

[CLICK] rm2k Lineage II Forum

[CLICK]Game Installation


Romancing Walker complete
- Battle animations for all weapons
- 25-30 hrs of gameplay!
- 6+ Endings
- Demo save files 100% compatible!

Winner of "Best Complete Game of Year"

                 2004 MISAO AWARD

Reviews & Game Downloads available at:

[CLICK]Gaming World


Lineage II private server OPEN!



Now the server for C4 is stable and all the new graphic works fine like wedding dress and hair accessories. Fishing is yet to be updated in the future.


Now the server is compatible with both C3 "Rise of Darkness" and new C4 "Scions of Destiny", new patch also uploaded in Download section.


I have to apologize to all the players first about the loss of all of your characters' data . I had to update the server into new format in order to prepare for the chronicle 4 "Scions of Desitiny", and the new server database is not compatible with the old database so I had to overhaul the entire server. But it was necessary because the new server now is much more stable and has all the features of the retail version of the game. Again sorry for the inconvenience.


Server Online time is 24hrs 6days from Tuesday to Sunday, 9am to 11pm Monday for maintenance and update.

Fixed the strider rental service and added ship travel between harbors and ports , cheaper than the teleports.


Rate has been changed for better balance. exp x15, sp x25, adena(gold) x25, and the quest reward x40

Strider rental at PET STORES in major towns and traders in ports, wasteland entrance


High level spell books for all jobs added in stores at Ivory tower, Aden castle town, and Hardin's private academy

level 40-50 spells sold at Ivory Tower, and up at Aden.

Necromancer spells at Hardin's academy

First 7 Sign results on after Sunday midnight ~1am


all Raidboss stats and item drops have been updated.

also the script error at Heine merchants all fixed.


All Raidboss in the game are adjusted for party of 2-3 hunting.

Lineage II private server open!
Please visit the forum to start the game!

[CLICK] rm2k Lineage II Forum

[Old Updates]:

>Midi page and Gallery page removed.


Gaming World.

rm2k's Lineage II Forum.

If you have any comments or

questions about the game

please e-mail me


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